Alice Garcia Creative Writing

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"Umm… I'll stay in Journalism, thanks."
"Ok, you're all set up. Your class is 9A, straight ahead, turn left, second room on the right. Have a great first day."
When I entered the classroom, I was welcomed by five rows of confused students staring at me blankly as if I was a test where they had all flunked. As they glanced at each other, I began to realize fitting in would be my toughest challenge.
"Attention class! I would like to introduce you to Alice Garcia, the new student. She has just transferred from Northland High School and will be joining our class today. Remember that you have all been new, so try to include her and most importantly, be kind," the economy teacher reminded them, emphasizing on the word kind, as if this were an extremely …show more content…

No, this can't be serious. Afterall there must be fifty Alices enrolled at Oakland Academy. It's impossible that, out of all these choices, I'm the one who's chosen. Wait, I'm the only Alice Garcia. In fact I'm the only one of them whose last name begins with G.
As I began making my way towards the office, groups of students glared at me, gossiping as they giggled. Most of them had no clue of who I was, but those who were in my previous classes began screaming random things such as: "Good luck surviving hell, you'll need it." or "Get ready to enter a nightmare." When I approached the door, my palms began to sweat and my cheeks were bright red. Every muscle in my body ached with anxiety, though I was aware that nothing in the near future would be pleasant.
"Ms. Garcia, please take a seat near Ms. Ryan. Now, can any of you tell me why I've called you here? Please, only open your mouth if you're actually informing us of something worth our time." The principal questioned, his coal eyes staring straight at me, as if they could see through my soul.
"Umm.. I don't know. Maybe because this is all a ginormous mistake?" I replied, praying for all the odds to be in my

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