Alexander Hamilton's Accomplishments

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Alexander was the founding father of the united states. He had a tough childhood since he was a orphan and his town was hit by a hurricane. But that didn't stop him, rathered help him pursue his education. Hamilton had an extraordinary career consisting of him being apart of the Revolutionary war;fighting for American independence. George Washington was his right hand man appointing hamilton to secretary of the treasury because of his political skills. His life also had it's down moments he was married to Elizabeth Schuyler but cheated with Angelica. Alexander faced many ups and downs in his life from meeting a political partner George Washington to having trouble with relationships with women, but all helped him progress to success. …show more content…

In Hamilton’s early life he was blessed to have a good education. In the Hurricane where he writes this essay that's admired upon by men who pays for his trip to new york where he gets his education and soon writes the Reynolds Pamphlet. As Said by Hamilton in the scene “ I wrote my way out Of hell I wrote my way to revolution I was louder than the crack in the bell I wrote Eliza love letters until she fell I wrote The constitution and defended it well”. Emphasizing his writing skills lead to ,much of, success.When Hamilton meets George Washington in right hand man, in scene 8. They begin working together for the revolution because there were troubles ,in new york, as George Washington says “How can I keep leading when the people I'm Leading keep retreating ?”. Also in Cabinet battle 2 Jefferson expresses just how powerful Hamilton is by saying “You're nothing without Washington behind you” this shows that Hamilton had influenced the President and have him believe in him, just like in this scene many men was jealous of the power Hamilton held. Hamilton and Washington partnership lead to them defeating many. In the scene Yorktown representing the battle of yorktown Hamilton states “Gotta start a new nation Gotta meet my son”. This mean they won and now it's time for them to wait for their payoffs. As you read Hamilton was able to receive education, a very close relationship with the president, and obtain many victories. But his life wasn't filled all with highlights, he had hardships

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