Alexander Hamilton: Strong Central Government

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“It’s not tyranny we desire; it’s a just, limited, federal government.” Alexander Hamilton. When Hamilton said this he was expressing the way he felt about central government. Hamilton and Jefferson both had very different views on government. Hamilton wanted a strong central government and Jefferson wanted all of the power to belong to the states. Alexander Hamilton’s views on government were better for what the United States would become. Alexander Hamilton was a Federalist. A federalist is Supporter of the Constitution during the debate over its ratification; someone who favored a strong central government. Hamilton believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution. This means that he believed that the Constitution was a set of guidelines that did not need to be followed strictly. Hamilton wanted to expand the economy and increase the nation's wealth by using the power of the federal government to promote …show more content…

Hamilton believed that an alliance with France at the expense of a relationship with England would have been a disaster for his economic plan. Jefferson believed that America was obligated to help France. Though, both Hamilton and Jefferson eventually agreed that neutrality was best, they did not agree on how to declare it. Hamilton wanted Washington to publicly declare that the United States would stay out of the war. Jefferson believed that congress should declare neutrality.
Finally, Alexander Hamilton’s views on government were better for what the United States would become. Hamilton’s views on government were better for what the United States would become because he was a Federalist and believed in a strong central government. Also because of the way he viewed national debt, and the way he viewed foreign affairs. These are all ways that prove Alexander Hamilton’s views on government were better for what the United States would

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