Alex Scott Research Paper

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Introduction Alexandria Scott, or “Alex” as she was called, was born in 1996, in Connecticut. Diagnosed with neuroblastoma at age 1, her parents were informed that she had a type of rare childhood cancer that had no cure. One day, at age 4, Alex informed her parents that she wanted to start a lemonade stand to help raise money “so the doctors could help other kids like the doctors had helped me.” Alex and her older brother Patrick put her plan into action and in July 2000, Alex’s first lemonade stand raised $2000 towards finding a cure for pediatric cancer (Fuhrman, 2006, p. 48). Alex’s innocent request to help others led to the Alex’s Lemonade Foundation. During Alex’s life, the foundation raised more than $1 million towards finding a cure for cancer. Alex died at age 8, on August 1, 2004 but her lemonade stand still …show more content…

They feel that a relentless desire to get ahead is the key to success. Joshua 1:9, NLT, “This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” The key to gaining the prosperity that God had showed Joshua goes against the cultural norm. God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous because the task He has for him is difficult. God tells Joshua to obey God’s law and love one another unconditionally as He has loved us, and to constantly read and study His living words. Study constantly until the words on the pages fade from the pressing of a reading finger over them, time and time again. By studying God’s word, it is soon realized that to truly be successful, one must serve the needs of others as God has served the world. Like Alex, marketers must put aside materialistic ideals and replace them with the will to serve others and place the needs of others before their own. And, they must be bold and courageous and know that God will always be with them in all

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