Aldous Huxley's Brave New World Essay

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In Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Mond, the controller of the World State supports the system used in the World State even though he has been exposed to outside sources of information such as Shakespeare’s books. His main priority is making sure that the society is in order and is running smoothly, and the system he advocates keeps the economy of the state stable. The system increases the consumption, the amount of money people spend. Sports in the World State require complicated equipment, and the three lower castes, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons are conditioned to enjoy sports. This results in them spending their money on transportation to get to sporting event and buying sport equipment. Also, old books, such as those of Shakespeare, are censored to encourage consumption. …show more content…

The social hierarchy is also very rigid in the World State. Every embryo born in the World State is put into a specific caste. The embryos destined to the lower castes undergo Bokanovsky’s process which lowers their intelligence level. Also, people from every caste are subjected to conditioning which causes them to believe that their caste is the best. These procedures keep the society stable, since everyone is sastified with their place in the society. Therefore, there is minimal competition that can cause a disruption in the stability, and so everyone is happy. Happiness is an another value that Mond places importance on. The society discourages long-term relationships that Mond believes would bring unhappiness because disagreements and dissatisfaction with one another are likely to arise. World State also has a solution to any suffering and unhappiness. If one takes a soma pill, all the negative thoughts in one’s mind

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