Aldous Huxley Biography

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Aldous Leonard Huxley was born, in the English countryside, on July 26, 1894 to Leonard and Julia Huxley. He was their third child. His siblings were Julian, Trevenen, and Margaret. His father was the son of T. H. Huxley, a brilliant scientist, and his mother, Julia, was the great-niece of Matthew Arnold, a poet-philosopher. He was unusual and bright but not immediately academically distinguished (Hara 4). His mother had started a school for girls and that is where Huxley first started to bloom. In 1908 his mother died of cancer and she told Huxley, “Don’t be too critical of people and love much” (Garrett 87). His academic career was stopped in 1911 when he got Keratitis punctata (an eye ailment). It left him blinded but he still stayed in school. He had two tutors, his homework and braille. In 1913, he stayed with his brother while his vision improved. He started to travel more when his father remarried (Garrett 87).
Aldous was not looking for love, but it found him. He met Maria in 1915 and it was love at first sight. They got married on July 10, 1919 and their child, Matthew, was born in 1920. He lived as a struggling writer. He published poems and essays that eventually led him to publish his first novel, in 1921, Crome Yellow. After this success Chatto gave Huxley his first three year contract. He wrote four volumes of short stories, two essays, and two philosophical travel books, from 1922 to 1928. Huxley reached a much wider audience with his novel, Point Counter Point, in 1928. His novel, Brave New World, did not become revered until after WWII, since people did not know what to make of it before the war. Huxley’s novels cover a wide range of topics, earning the name “novels of ideas.” Huxley pushed his...

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...ganization have been designed to control individual’s religious emotions (Congdon 96). They have organized communal gatherings, with a certain procedure so everyone gets the same religion. The idea of God, in the end, is not compatible with scientific ideals (Diken 160). The World Controller saw the need to modify and improve religion in the name of Ford. Fordism was their new religion and Henry Ford was their god. He was the first one that created mass production. The scientists took that knowledge and changed it so they could control human nature (Boulevard 146). They give the people a drug called soma (Christianity without tears). They use this to keep people happy and easy to control. This gives them an escape from the real world and so that they never see how bad off the world is. It has all the advantages of alcohol but without the defects (Congdon 92).

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