Alcoholism: A Bad Habit to Drink Every Night

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Growing up in a family where mostly every guy has an habit of drinking I agree with Somerset Maugham when he states, “The unfortunate thing about this world is that good habits are so much easier to give up than bad ones.” Having a habit where you drink everyday before going to sleep is a bad habit. It is really hard to break it when you don’t want to stop drinking. What makes you want to stop is when it is affecting your health or making you turn into a person that you don’t want to be that starts doing stuff through the affect of alcohol that themselves don’t realize. To make people go away from you and having your people around you go away just because the bad habit of drinking. Alcohol is a very bad habit that is hard to stop this is why I believe bad habits are harder to break than good habits because bad habits you don’t really want to quit and good habits you try to make which are easier to break.

Alcohol can become a habit of drinking everyday when you’re in a negative emotional state. In the article Theoretical frameworks and mechanistic aspects of alcohol addiction: alcohol addiction as a reward deficit disorder by koob GF, “The combination of loss of reward function and recruitment of brain stress systems provides a powerful neurochemical basis for a negative emotional state that is responsible for the negative reinforcement driving, at least partially, the compulsivity of alcoholism.”(Theoretical Frameworks), like it says in this quote alcohol can become a habit when you’re drinking it in a negative emotional state. This can make you wanting to have it whenever your are in a negative state of mind making you feel like you need to have alcohol make ourselves feel better. Which is very hard to break be...

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... Associated with alcohol use and Alcoholism Rehm Jürgen states “Alcohol consumption, particularly heavier drinking, is an important risk factor for many health problems and, thus, is a major contributor to the global burden of disease.”(Jurgen). As he said alcohol is a major contributor to the global burden of diseases I believe it should be banned or taught to students more the effects it can cause to your health. I see all my cousins just drinking alcohol once and getting hooked on it. I had drank alcohol and I liked how it was but immediately stop because seeing what it can do to my health and I didn’t want to become a alcoholic like the rest of my family. I feel like drinking it but I force myself not to drink it. Even though my cousins and friends pressurize me to drink it sometimes. Doing research on it has made me want to stay away from it more.

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