Alcohol Informative Speech

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In a few years, I am going to be a physical education teacher. One of my leisure will mostly likely will be alcohol and the effects it has on the body. I would tell my students that alcohol is very horrible for short term and long terms goals. Alcohol is a very dangerous drug. It effects the immune system, skeletal and muscular system, sexual and reproduction system, circulatory system, digestive system, the nervous system, and the excretory system. The immune system is made up of cells, tissues, and organs and it defends individuals against germs and other bacterial microorganisms every single day. The main function the immune system is to fight off germs and infections. An immune system decreased by alcohol misuse has a hard time fighting …show more content…

It permits movement of the body, maintains posture, and circulates blood throughout the body. Long alcohol use makes it harder for your body to produce new bone. Excessive drinking puts you at increased risk of osteoporosis sand bone fractures. Muscles become subject to severe weakness. Sexual and reproductive system is a system of the sex organs that work together for sexual reproduction. Excessive drinking can cause women to stop consuming periods and not have children. I can extend her risk of miscarriage and premature. Alcohol has a major effect on birth stage. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders or FASD includes abnormal physical traits, problem comprehending, and emotional problems. Circulatory system is the system that circulates blood through the body. Excessive drinking can cause a lot of bothersome to your heart. Women who drink more than men at a higher rate of heart failure. Circulatory system problems are poison heart muscle cells, strange heartbeat, hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction, and heart failure. Individuals with diabetes mellitus have a higher risk of hypoglycemia levels, especially if they use insulin

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