Alabanza In Praise Of Local 100 Poem Analysis

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“Alabanza: In Praise of Local 100” by Martín Espada, is a poem in praise of immigrants who worked at the top of the World Trade Center. Throughout Espada’s piece, the author committed himself in representing and celebrating the lives, stories and history of those who have dealt with a tragic loss. He successfully tells a story, and respectfully shows his emotions, logic and credibility for the individuals who were involved in the attack on September 11. He does not hesitate to argue how the society has had a lack of knowledge when it came to the tragic event at the World Trade Center, because he did not find justice in labeling police officers and firefighters as heroes. His purpose was to give credit to the innocent, hardworking people who were not recognized, but were still harmed by the attack. Espada does not hesitate to speak his mind and elaborate his thoughts when it comes to his emotional appeal towards the unfortunate event on September 11 and his personal perspective of the restaurant workers. “Praise the great windows where immigrants from the kitchen could squint and almost see their world, hear the chant of nations: Ecuador, México, República Dominicana, …show more content…

He took the struggles of Latin Americans, avoiding pity but at the same time showing their willingness. For example, Espada presents an ethical poem to the workers on the restaurant of the World Trade Center who died in the attacks. Through focusing on Latin Americans who are frequently ignored, sometimes undocumented, and occasionally criticized, Espada celebrates and honors the diverse gathering of humanity. This short poem has been taken in many ways positively and negatively by different readers but Martin Espada has made it clear that one of his main points was to show the invisible visible. He takes in consideration other individuals claims and has reasoned with them in an emotional, logical and ethical

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