Akio Morita's Success Story: Made In Japan

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AKIO MORITA AND SONY Made in Japan is a story of Akio Morito, a scientist who brought up Japan's technology and economy up from the ashes of World War II WAR A team of scientists and engineers were trying to perfect thermal-guidance weapons and nightvision gunsights in order to win this war. Akio Morito was one of those scientist. However, he acknowlodged the fact the war was already lost. When America dropped the nuclear bomb at Hiroshima, it was finally then accepted the war was completely lost and made Japan realise how far behind on the technology they were. Akio Morito acknowledged that to fall in steps with America, it would take them at least 20 years in technological developement, if they keep working on the same pace. Between the …show more content…

As mentioned by Morita, most successful companies in Japan have created a shared sense of fate among employees. This was the simplest term of management was which was not found anywhere else in the world. Akio believed this was because of strong bond with raditions and people. This led to creation of a successful business. Akio Morita had a good sense of Human Management and understanding which led his company to rise. He believed the actual fate of the company lied in the hands of youngest recruites of the company, as they are the future and they are going to lead this company forward in coming times. Akio understood the philosophy and explained it that employees should be handled like family to create a successful amongst the company to get successful outcomes outside the company. AMERICA AND JAPANESE STYLES (THE DIFFERENCE) Akio Morita pointed out the legal problems that are involved constantly between the individuals companies and government and it's agencies, in America. This creates a severe impact on business are created in the US. The legal issues have seem to become a natural process in the business world of America. The intrusion of lawyers and legal issues is in contrast to the philosophy and style of management. But as Japanese market is internalizationalised, the business in Japan, too, have educated themselves on the legal …show more content…

He says, it is important to keep close relations with both the employes and the costumers. COMPETITION (THE FUEL OF JAPANESE ENTERPRISE) Akio Morita describes the competition between Japanese business severe and cutthroat. He says that Japanese are not only competetive in business world but as well in life. It is understood in Japanese market that you must not destroy your competitor as the competition, as fierce, is not just for a single company. However, if a company cannot compete, it is destined to sink. It is understood in retail business that if a they cannot compete in prices, the companies will compete in services. As Japanese are fickle-minded for new things, the tastes changes continously and it is the job of the companies to keep up with the pace of the changes. In Japan, there are more makers of civilian industrial products than there are anywhere int his world. Hence, the competition in domestic is fierce and makes consumer the king. Akio points out that due to the competition in local markets, these companies develop the ability to compete in international markets. These companies engage in all kinds of electronics, automobiles, cameras, home appliances and the

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