Aker's Criminal Behavior In 'Alpha Dog'

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In the 2006 hit movie Alpha Dog Emile Hirsch plays the role of a young marijuana dealer named Johnny Truelove. Supplied by his father Sonny, Johnny distributed marijuana to buyers with the help of his closest friends . This act of deviancy gave him power and authority over the people In his life. Even so much authority that he could have someone killed by just a simple request. Throughout the film there were many characters that played a critical role in the kidnapping and murder of Zack Mazursky. However Johnny 's character stands out the most to me mainly because even though his criminal behavior prevailed he portrayed both delinquent and charismatic acts throughout the film. What was even more intriguing to me was how his character continued …show more content…

These four variables help better understand Johnny 's criminal behavior throughout the film. First we look at the theory of Differential Association. Right away the word association stands out to me. To me being associated with someone means to be apart of one another 's lives enough to make an impact. I would also say that being associated with someone would require a significant amount of time spent together on a level greater than strangers. Unfortunately in Johnny 's case everyone in his life was a negative influence.His group of close friends along with himself were nothing more than pot smoking privileged white guys attempting to live a gangster life. The differential aspect is important to the behavior someone portrays. In the Social Learning Theory Aker 's puts great emphasis on who a person associated with. Almost as if a person is a product of their environment. "This element of Aker 's Social Learning Theory might suggest that crime results from those who 's role models are criminals and thus who associate with people whole behaviors different or abnormal." (Miller, et al., 2015 p. …show more content…

Sure Johnny 's behavior was prolonged by his willingness of his friends to commit the same crime as he was committing but according to Aker 's the overall behavior had to start someone. This brings me to the idea of Imitation. Which is essentially the art of mimicking someone yet being unware of the consequences a particular action may bring. (Miller, Schreck, Tewksbury, & Barnes, 2015) I can 't help but think that at the root of Johnny 's behavioral problems lye 's his own father. With poor parenting being portrayed at multiple times throughout the movie it was clear to see that his biggest inspirations were his father and grand-father. In particular I 'd like to point out the lack of structure he had as a young man. His father in particular acted as if he were Johnny 's boss when referring to marijuana sales. Taking request and specific amount orders he gave Johnny no reason to deter from his actions only approval of them. He was never taught differently therefore he is living the life he deems normal to him based on what he 's witnesses and been taught throughout his

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