Should The Government Regulate Air Pollution?

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Thick black smog for air, heavy breathing, and dying children: the possibilities are endless for a future with unclean air. When regarding the condition in which air is pure and fresh, the idea of the government is rarely given a thought. Amusingly, Government has nearly everything to do with keeping sanitary healthy air and fresh oxygen in our lungs. The government plays a major role in keeping the air clean, of riding it of harmful chemicals, and of creating policies to keep these necessities in check. Air pollution is regulated and prevented by policies created by the government; these laws and regulations are essential for keeping a healthy and standard way of living for the average American. A history lesson is necessary before embarking in the quest that is the regulation of air pollution. Air pollution began when the Industrial Revolution commenced, with the burning of coal and emission of carbon into the air. Although the Industrial Revolution began around the mid 19th century the first step the United States took towards cleaning the air was with the Clean Air Act in 1970, according to the EPA (2012). There was a great environmental movement around the time of Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, which catalyzed the regulations and laws in today’s modern world. Furthermore, each individual state took actions against the air …show more content…

The most miniscule task that is performed can easily be related back to the government, for example going to the park. The parks are taken care of and sometimes funded by the government. Though indirectly paid for by the people, it is advantageous and a privilege to live in a country where the government takes care of its people, and everyday worries, the citizens carry. The government helps prevent air pollution either through huge steps like creating laws, or through small steps like putting recycling cans in the

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