Aig Case Study

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According to the Board of Education, academically or intellectually gifted students are students that perform in high levels of accomplishment, which are compared to their age, experience or environmental group. To further educate, I will discuss different perspectives, the cost of educating a AIG student and the education that is required to teach the student. The purpose of the AIG program is not to make the more work for the student but to go deeper into the subject of the specialization.
Different perspectives: the school board realizes there are gifted students in many of the schools across the United States and the school board also doesn't have the necessary funds to continue the program to the extent to which they want it to.. All schools …show more content…

I believe that the AIG program limits all children,even the current AIG student. To hold one child above the rest is that not wrong. Use this scenario, Is it not wrong to tax the black man more than the white man. A child is not defined by his IQ score, for it is just a number. A child should be able to determine if they wants to be an AIG student or not.
Interviewer:”wouldn't every child want to be an AIG student?” answer went as followed: “No,why would a child who hate’s school and is forced to come to school choose to have more in-depth study’s. why would a child set their self up for work he didn’t want in the first place. No child would choose to fail their self in school, that would just be foolish.”
2nd interview anonymous: interviewer, “what are your view on how AIG student are selected?”
Answered as followed: “I believe that the way they are selected is biased, it calls for a test that shows where a student excel their subject.I believe that each person is different, some people get nervous when they take tests and what if this is the test that makes them nervous and they fail but yet do so profoundly in the …show more content…

They spend more time getting there work done than whining about it. They have set hour and manage the time in the day and know what they are to do at a certain time of the day. They do all assignments full of hope and wisdom. and always on time.” interviewer: “What do you think of an AIG student?”
Answer as followed: “ I think that they should be proud of the achievements in life. That its a honor to be recognized as an AIG student and Its not something that is easily achieved.It should not be determined by a test, it should be determined by the scores they make in class and judged by their teachers,since they spend most of the day with them. That the student has the capability to go far in life. It makes me feel bad for the students that are missed and are not able to be test and are passed by because of where they live. Students that are academically or intellectually gifted are gifted in certain fields of study which that they excel in. AIG students are educated in various ways but the best way is to focus on their needs first, then decide which form is best to help them to succeed. In several cases, AIG students are not introduced to education for them to succeed and which sometimes in unpopulated areas they are over-looked and most schools do not specialize in that

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