Ai Weiwei: A Powerful Artist

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Ai Weiwei is one of the most powerful artists in the world. Unlike other artists, his works were expressed both politically and artistically. He was arrested and harassed by the Chinese Communist government because of his bold responses to the government. His works was unique than any artist you will see. His art has a purpose of meaning; it has its own mind. Ai Weiwei believes that if you don’t speak up, nothing will change. The meaning of his artworks has various meanings. However, his central message conveys about the daily diatribes against local corruption and government abuses of China. Ai Weiwei was not a normal artist who painted pictures and sell them in galleries and auctions. His art was different than others. One of his artworks are the one-hundred sunflower seeds, all made from porcelain, each one painted by hand, filling the giant Turbine Hall at London's Tate Modern Museum. You may be thinking, is that art? Ai Weiwei’s artworks are unique in everyone’s eyes. It gives different viewpoints of what is around us that we aren’t aware of. His artworks are insightful and deep. While Ai Weiwei expresses his mind on local corruption and government abuses, the government began to observe Ai Weiwei and his actions. Ai Weiwei’s blogs can be provocative such as flicking …show more content…

By doing this, his voice can be heard that only from China, but around the world. He takes photographs of his daily lives and posts it online for other people to see. It is not ordinary pictures, but sometimes provocative such as the middle finger. Flicking the middle finger was Ai Weiwei’s thing. It captures his push for free expression and his relentless questioning of authority. China is full of corruption and abuses. They dehumanize them. No one has rights. Some are limited. Instead of human beings, they are considered as objects. Ai Weiwei is like a cloud blocking the Chinese

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