Agoraphobia In Social Work

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Jane Smith is a 80 year- old African American women that lives alone. She seems to be in good shape, and get around the house very well. Compared to other individuals her age she is healthy. Jane Smith was referred to counseling at her Neighborhood Center by the head Social Worker. Social Worker stated on the referral sheet that Ms. Smith suffers from Agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is an intense fear of being in public places when you feel escape may be hard to do. Individuals with Agoraphobia tend to avoid public places and may not leave the home. Agoraphobia can be treated with CBT. CBT help change the way you think, feel, and behave and can be used to treat various health problems which includes phobias. Social Worker explained that Ms. Smith …show more content…

Smith has expressed that she would like to go out to the Community Center to participate in the weekly bingo games. Ms. Smith lives alone and has no family that consistently visits her. The only family member that she speaks of is her granddaughter who runs all of her errands when needed. She also had a daughter but says that she only comes around when she is in need of something. Ms. Smith sometimes complain that her granddaughter take a long time to return with her groceries or to even just stop by. Ms. Smith says that she doesn’t always feel comfortable with her granddaughter handling her financial business. Ms. Smith stated that she is sometime scared being in the house alone. She also stated that sometimes people walk pass her home and uses water out of her faucet on side of her home. Social Worker recently enrolled Ms. Smith into PACE. PACE is an adult day health center which allows seniors to socialize with each other and to also receive medical care. This program was helpful for Ms. Smith because it provides transportation to and from doctor appointments for her since she doesn’t have any one to bring her. However she doesn’t participate in the day program because she isn’t comfortable being away from her home. Ms. Smith always says she would like to visit former place that she remember going during her adolescent years but she fears that something bad may happen while she is out in

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