Aging: An Interview With The Elderly

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The last person I interviewed was a retired person named Richard. Richard is 72 years old. Richard worked at General Motors for 40 years. He retired when he was 64 years old. Starting with ADL’s, Richard explains that he is able to do them all independently but not as fast as he once did. He is able to brush his teeth, bath himself, transport and use the toilet, and feed himself. He and his wife both are able to walk and transport themselves around without a problem. They recently moved from a two-story house to an apartment on a ground level. They are still able to use stairs but they feel with them getting older, it would be better to get adjusted to living without stairs. Because Richard is getting older, he seems more grateful that …show more content…

Richard receives a pension from working at GM so it is very important to him that he is managing his money well. Richards wants to make sure that he has enough money to live comfortably in retirement. They also like to travel a lot so making sure they have enough money in their budget to do just that is essential. Because Richard and his wife are traditional, Richard relies on his wife to clean the home and prepare the meals with his occasional help. Moving into an apartment, Richard doesn’t have to worry about keeping up with the yard work, which he once had to do. Moving into an apartment that is appropriate for aging is crucial at this period of time. Yard work and stairs are two things that Richard may not be able to do when he is older. Richard’s mother is alive and is living in her home with a nurse’s aid. Even though there is an aid always with her, Richard still visits frequently to help take care of her and make sure she is doing well. This is an engaging occupation for Richard. Engaged occupations are occupations that go beyond ordinary daily occupations and that evoke a depth of passion or feeling (Christiansen & Townsend, 2010). He sometimes helps to take her to the bathroom or helps her get to bed. He likes to take her for walks around the neighbor to allow her to socialize with others. Richard wants to makes sure she is still having a nice and positive …show more content…

ADL’s and iADL’s were the most similar among the participants. They were all able to complete this independently. Julie, Liz, and Richard mentioned that their ADL’s took longer than it once did and were more grateful that they were able to complete them. Julie mentioned this because of the interruptions from her child and having to care for him. Richard said that his aging prevented him to being able to move as fast as he once could. Liz also mentioned this because her disability prevented her to be able to move in a fast manner. For iADL’s, Julies differed from Richards. Julie focused on doing more of the chores around the house and shopping for her family. Richard talked a lot about managing the finances, which Julie’s husband usually takes care of. Richard mentioned that his wife took care of the shopping and tasks around the house. This shows the traditional gender roles that influence some family’s occupations. For Liz and Alex, communication was a very important iADL but for different reasons. Liz, being away at college, was unable to see her family as much so being able to talk to them frequently was essential for her. For Alex, being able to communicate with his first serious girlfriend was a priority for him. Education was another occupation that differed a lot among the participants. Alex and Liz were similar in that college was something that was a priority in their

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