Ageism In Australia Essay

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Ageism is a term that has been coined by Butler (1969), which he described through three distinguishable yet interrelated factors. Firstly, Butler reported that ageism is a prejudicial attitude towards people who are ageing which includes the elderly themselves. Secondly, these attitude can then translate to discriminatory practices against the elderly, in area of social participation including access to safe housing. Lastly, ageism can also seep through to institutional practices and policies, which often without malice, perpetuate stereotypical beliefs about the elder, which results in reduction of opportunities for the elder people to enjoy a satisfactory life and subsequently undermines their personal dignity (Duffy, 2016). Furthermore, according to the Human Rights Commission, Ageism is entrenched …show more content…

Nelson reported that ageism has become so prevalent in society that agist behaviors and attitudes are unconsciously displayed by people on a everyday basis. The institutionalization of ageism can have detrimental affect on the perception of older people, as according to him, ageism is ingrained in the jokes and the acceptable phrases that we direct towards older people such as “over the hills” (our best years are behind us) and ‘senior moments’ (memory problems). The embodiment of these beliefs are also evident in the fashion and beauty industry, that thrives every year by promoting its product as a cure for sign of atheism in the face and body. In order to highlight the disguised nature of ageism, Nelson illustrated the example of watching an advertisement on T.V promotes a cream that can hide the fact that someone's African American and relates it to the unfazed reaction people would give or when an advertisement suggests that signs of ageing needs to be

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