Age Of Responsibility Essay

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What is the Age Of Responsibility?

If someone has the wisdom and experience of someone who has lived many lifetimes, should they be restricted by some arbitrary age? The answer is: no, they shouldn't. The argument in this day and time is if the age of responsibility is 18, 21, 25, or anything in between. But, what about there not being any one age of responsibility? Well, due to several reasons, it is quite evident that there is indeed not any one age that measures one's responsibility.

Responsibility comes from experience. Obviously, one doesn't just wake up one day on their eighteenth birthday and have loads of knowledge that was foreign to them the day before. No, this knowledge has to be taught and not every eighteen year old is going to have the same experiences. Some might argue that young adults that are experienced still make irrational decisions, however, this has been proven to be untrue for the most part. In driving, there has been a new approach by some states to do a system called "GDL", short for "graduated driver licensing". What this does is let kids drive at a certain age, but with certain conditions. Until said kid can prove that they are skilled enough to drive, they can't get their official license. "According to a John …show more content…

There are some who believe that people are not influenced by social customs and will do what they want to do anyways. The fact of the matter is that this is just not true. "Nowadays, teens face more cultural pressure than ever to grow up fast....many more 18 year-olds are choosing college over work now than a generation or two ago"(Greenblatt 2). So, based on what is in, people will chose their future accordingly. If what is in now is being responsible at a younger age, but in the past it was an older age, this concludes that the age of responsibly is constantly changing thus making the age of responsibly impossible to

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