Afterlife Essay

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Religion has three functions, and the ancient Egyptians had a strong understanding and reasoning for all three. They had answered ultimate questions: After death was the afterlife, they needed to obey the Gods to be successful, etc. It brought everyone together during ceremonies and rituals like the burials ceremonies, etc. Not only is the burial rite a ritual but it is an event based on strong beliefs of the afterlife. Each step or item used in the funerary process had an explanation or logical reason. This ritual was extremely important in the eyes of the Egyptians that even the poorest among them would be given a ceremony because they believed if failed to do so the ghost would come to haunt them. The goal of the ritual as well as the ceremony had a purpose to aid the deceased in their journey to the afterlife. The Egyptians believed that the afterlife is the continuation of the earthly one but without negative emotions like, disappointment and fear. They thought the soul disconnected from the body at death but could return in the afterlife. In order for a soul to have an afterlife and be immortal they needed to preserve the body properly. The journey through the afterlife was considered difficult and perilous and that they would need provisions, the aid of rituals and magic spells. …show more content…

At first the deceased was simply buried in the ground and because of the arid environment it would stay preserved if buried in a dry, and sandy spot. The bodies would be in a curled up position with a few simple goods. However the royals and rich upper class individuals wanted something more. They then changed their mummification process to be more elaborate, however not everyone could afford that so there were cheaper options available. There were three levels of quality burial procedures which depended on the price, as it got cheaper the quality

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