African American Mortality Essay

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Mortality rates among inner city African Americans have a detrimental increase depending on the quality of life from the adolescent stages of growth. African Americans historically have had the highest mortality rates among American racial and ethnic groups.1 The living conditions associated with inner-cities may be a contributing factor along with limited medical facilities and care options along with the lack of education and childhood socioeconomic family disadvantages. Studies have shown these early risk factors may be a major contributor to mortality rates in African American adults later on. Further studies show there are cultural barriers built in the inner city, which hinders the request for help or asking for help within their community. If we were to apply a longitude exposure study over the span of 42 years from the time an inner-city child is born, we may conclude that life experiences resulting from potential malnutrition, underprivileged environments, and overall lack of health education are the leading contributors to adult African American deaths. Studies show that 8 of the 10 leading causes in the deaths of African Americans are medical disease, which with proper education and care may have been prevented and/or addressed earlier in their life to diagnose and treat. The fact is Heart Disease is the leading cause of deaths for African Americans. When compared to other ethnicities, some form of heart disease causes 24.5% of African American deaths. These numbers are astounding considering Blacks make up approximately only 14.2% of the total U.S. population. The contributing factor is lack of knowledge and family medical screening. Understanding the history of your genial line specific to your race and ... ... middle of paper ... ... being identified few studies have truly explored the efficacy of implementing school based screening programs solely in urban schools. Current studies of note have focused primarily on middle-class and/or suburban population. Once again showing the lack of attention or focus exclusively on African American youth. The underlying problems that continue to affect mortality rates among African Americans in inner cities are structured under the lack of knowledge and government support. To remedy the mortality decline in the black community it is equivocally important to understand their cultural heritage and provide a change in the communities that will be embraced and foster cultural change. The United States has an epidemic festering in the inner cities that if not properly addressed can destroy the fabric of a community and spread to other areas of society.

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