Affordable Housing Policy Issue

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Policy Issue: Affordable Housing

1. Write a summary of your policy issue that includes the policy or policy issue. (5pts)

The policy issue that I will be covering is Affordable housing. Housing policy primary focus should be to provide decent,secure, and affordable homes for the whole population. The Housing Act of 1949 acknowledged the need for a “decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family. The issue is the relationship between the economy and the housing market. Lack of funds from the government, and the increase in the cost of living. There are many programs set in place to combat this issue, but due to the severity of the issue and minimum funds those programs cannot run efficiently to the goal of the housing policy which is to provide decent housing in a decent neighborhood compromising safety and security. Housing policy is extremely important because the most powerful economy in the world is driven by the housing sector and the housing sector can destroy it.
The U.S department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) helps Americans find affordable housing. According to the text, the nation's public housing supply had diminished, and the government has yet to fund public housing since 1994. In addition to the dwindling of funds the federal government has not even recovered demolished homes. The housing Choice Voucher also known as section 8 is now the main approach to assisting very low-income families and individuals.

2. How are stakeholders affected by this issue? In other words, what populations or other entities are affected by or contributing to this issue and how are they affected? How may this issue be affecting populations specific to Florida?(15pts)

Primary Stakeholders include:

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...reaping much benefits to continue to do so. If so much paperwork was eliminated and replaced with maybe technology or even simplicity then applicants will complete required efficiently in a timely manner and workers will not be so overloaded with mere paper work.

The system need more organization implemented as well because there has been countless times where information that was initially provided needed to be sent over again. If that is adopted then these grants will come in a timely manner and fund critical programs.

There should be a program that helps people pay their down payment on a home. Many Americans unfortunately cannot get into a home they can afford monthly simply because they cannot afford the down payment.

Increase the distribution of funding by local governments for affordable housing, by developing different techniques to reap a max funding.

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