Affordable Education Essay

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Although education can be expensive, an affordable education makes better citizens. In fact, most people believe that going to college improves the chance of finding a great job, but the effect on society is often not considered. Seeking a higher education, often seems too expensive and the paperwork too complex, therefore many people do not consider attending. In the article “Here’s your Crisis: Student Loan Debt Isn’t a Myth”, Chris Lewis and Layla Zaidane commented “it 's an affordability crisis”(). As our nation ages, education must become more affordable for all because with educated citizens our country becomes financially sound, our citizens become more knowledgeable and their communication skills are better developed.
In fact, furthering one’s education has a positive influence on society as our country saves money by spending less and increasing tax income. Furthermore, people who have at least a two-year degree tend to make higher wages and have a better job in our struggling economy. For example, …show more content…

In fact, developing better communication skills, allows a citizen to participate in more conversations and debates while respectfully sharing ideas. For example, supporting elected officials even when their views are different from our own without a bad attitude or violent behavior. Specifically, education enhances these skills by communication training both verbally and nonverbally with diverse groups. In the same way, participating in group discussions and activities while attending college courses improves communication skills. For instance, while explaining hot topics such as politics in a short considerate manner one is more likely to change someone’s opinion rather than being long and abrasive. Furthermore, expressing one’s opinion in a clear, concise manner helps others to understand a person’s

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