Aetna Diversity Strategy

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Aetna goes above and beyond the regular legal requirements of providing equal employment because its employees are not only diverse in gender and race, there is also a diversity of background, training, functional experience, generational identity and many more aspects. The company is made up of more than 35,000 employees, 31% of those are people of color, and 76% are women. The diversity of the company also shows in the management, people of color hold 16% of these positions and women hold 30% of these positions. Aetna also shows their strong support for diversity through community involvement and leadership on employment and diversity issues. The company called 2009 “Year of the Woman” because it celebrated 100 years of employment of woman. …show more content…

This also keeps its employees …show more content…

I would also show Exhibit 7 “Linking Aetna’s Strategic Goals to Diversity Outcomes”. To ensure the board knows that the cost of pursing a diversity strategy are worth it. I would say how net income rose more than 1.8 billion dollars from 2001 to 2007. All of these facts will hopefully make the board see that cutting the funds that help the company stay diverse will have a negative effect on the

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