Aeneas Legacy

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Ancient Rome, one of the greatest cities in the western world was found by archaeologists on the Palatine hill around 750 BC. There are two founding ancient legends of Rome: Romulus and Remus, as well as the legend of Aeneas, they go hand-in-hand opposed to contradicting one another. Aeneas (~1200 BC) is the legendary founder and first real hero of Ancient Rome. During the Trojan war, the Gods had saved Aeneas due to having a greater destiny. He fled the Trojan war in Troy with his people to Italy, where they settled and lived. Him and his ancestors would eventually become the early Romans. This legend was written by a man named Virgil (70 BC - 19 BC) who was instructed by the emperor Augustus to write this around 1000 years after this has …show more content…

Amulius forced princess Silvia to become a Vestal Virgin which is vowing to chastity and keeping that sacred fire that can never extinguish on the goddess’s altar. Princess Silvia has betrayed her vows, by becoming pregnant to Romulus and Remus. Normally the mother and child would be burnt alive for breaking the vows but they feared that they are paternal Gods through blood, they were not able to kill them. Rather than burning the twins, the servants were commanded to drown them in the Tiber River but instead they were put them in a basket into the Tiber River which would bring them to safety. The river God Tiberinus had calmed down the stream to ensure that the twins are safe, and caused their basket to get caught on a fig tree located at the base of the Palatine Hill. This is where a Capitoline Wolf found the twins and raised them for the first five years of their lives. A shepherd had found the twins and took them into his home and adopted them. The twins later on came into an argument in which Remus was captured by King Amelius but Romulus rescued his brother and killed the …show more content…

His first job was to train Alexander the Great before he had become the king of ancient Greece. Then Aristotle headed out south to work with Plato for a bit, but then branched out on his own. He founded a school called the Lyceum, his student followers were nicknamed peripatetics which means the wanderers. Is many books are based on lecture notes (politics, poetics, metaphysics, rhetoric, etc.). Aristotle raised a lot of good questions regarding things such as, “why do plants grow in some countries, but not in others,” and “what makes a whole society and a human life go well”? Philosophy is all about practical knowledge and wisdom suggests Aristotle. He answered four big philosophical questions asked, one of them is: what makes people happy? He came to a conclusion that each person needs to find its virtues and nurture them in themselves and honor them in others. Aristotle came up with 11 virtues, such as courage, temperance, and liberality are just some of them. He also observed that every virtue is in the middle of two vices (fig. 3) which is known as the Golden Mean between two extremes of character. (Carr, 2016).
The Epicurean philosophy is based on the teachings of Epicurus (341 BC - 270 BC). His philosophy was mainly about happiness and how to live life to the fullest. He made people think about capitalism, society and money, putting into consideration if those things are really necessary

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