Advertisement Analysis: Panda Vs. Fish

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Panda Vs. Fish There are advertisements (ads) that are being made all the time. There are many different types like commercial, print, and video ads. They are made for many reasons that cover different areas and they depend on the target audience such as ads for food, electronics, hygiene, businesses, and awareness for problems. Ads are based off of the perspective of the audience, which is why they make different ads depending on what group of people they are trying to reach. There are two ads that raise awareness and try to get funds for environmental problems. The first ad portrays a school of fish that swims in formation and spells out SOS, which is morse code for help, but the SOS could also mean save our seafood. This ad is either trying …show more content…

In other words it is saying that fish need help and it does not go in depth on what problem they are addressing. If you did not know that it was an environmental awareness ad by the logo, you may think that it could have something to do with fish training or underwater cameras. The ad by Madrid is targeting people who care about the environment and want to help. They did this because they can't save the pandas by themselves, so they need support and funds. Also it addresses both older generations and younger generations when it comes down to how the ad looks. There could be other ways of targeting this audience through another message. I think that the stronger the message the more powerful the advertisement will be. Both ads use rhetorical devices to increase its effectiveness of the …show more content…

Almost all the kids including me just wanted to go out and have fun. We would just go to the park or the beach. The only thing important to us was to have nothing less than fun everyday. As we grew older we started to understand things that are happening around us with more clarity. We noticed that nothing in life is free and that you can not get anywhere in life if you just do things that are fun. Then we started noticing all the problems around us like global warming and species going extinct. We saw advertisements about all the endangered species and we knew that if we do not help them they will be gone soon. There are many ads out there for many different reasons and the reason for these ad were to raise awareness for environmental problems, which are good for everyone because of how it's helping people understand that if we don't start taking care of our planet it will no longer take care of us. As species slowly go extinct and alter the food chain, it will eventually cause a chain reaction resulting in all species to go

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