Advantages Of Local Control

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The concept of local control is based on a philosophy built on the notion that individuals and institutions nearest to the students with much knowledge about a school. Most invested in the welfare and success of its educators, students, and communities who are well placed in making decisions about its operation, leadership, staffing, academics, and development ("Local Control Definition"). This philosophy of governance is often contrasted with state or federal policies that intend to influence the structure and operation given that the control offered to local governing bodies is directly related to the level of prescription articulated in educational laws, and related compliance rules and requirements ("Local Control Definition").
There are some arguments that are in support of local control. Local control increases local pride, civic participation, and encourages the public s financial support for public schools this is because active participation in the governing strategy increases the sense of togetherness and ownership thus locally managed schools benefits from the great community involvement and investment. …show more content…

Its objective is promotion of an orderly pattern of development and separation of incompatible land uses, such as industrial uses and homes, to ensure a pleasant environment (Zoning 71). The zoning resolution is a legal instrument to regulate and establish limits on the use of land and building size, shape, and height. Under the policy power rights local control philosophy is enhanced in zoning where state governments can exercise power over private real property. With this power special laws and regulations were long made restricting where particular types of business can be carried on. In 1916, New York City adopted the first zoning regulations to apply city-wide as a reaction to the equitable building which towered over the adjacent residences, diminishing the availability of sunshine ("About

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