The Positive And Negative Impact Of The Tourism Industry

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Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue for many countries but its disadvantages should not be overlooked. The negative effects on the host community and the environment can overwhelm, the lost might be inestimable if not manage properly. There is several tourism disadvantages have taken into consideration on the impact to the countries, mainly divided into three main criteria: environmental effects, social effects and economic effects.
One of the key disadvantages is the tourism could bring the environment issue of the country, in order to attract more tourists to visit the places, the environment could be destroyed seriously, where the forests are widely opened up and destructed in order to develop the shopping …show more content…

To meet the demands and gain more profit, the fishermen may over catching the marine species without control. On the other hand, the recreational activities like hunting, fishing and shooting onto wildlife may severely exhaust the populations of certain species and then lead to the extinction of endangered species.
Secondly, the social effects of tourism can increase the risk of violent crime and terrorism in the country. The crime activities like: robbery, prostitution, selling drugs and gangs. In Malaysia for instance, tourists are easy to be the target or victim of crime. UK Foreign Office reported certain areas of Malaysia especially eastern Sabah and locations that close to Thailand border, the foreigners could be attacked easily.
Besides that, the unhealthy behavior of visitor could bring the detrimental effect on the life quality of community. The tourist from other country come with dishonest purpose can in turn changing the country into a crime country. For example, the desire of wanted to be rich faster induce the drug culture proliferation. The drug culture indirectly increases the rate of burglaries, home invasions, rapes and

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