Advantages And Disadvantages Of Alzheimer's

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4th STEP: Tricks of the trade Living with an Alzheimer's patient or a senile confused patient can be a lot similar to living with a small child. The first thing you want to do is "child proof" the house. 1. Child Proof the House; Just like you would if you were afraid an infant might get into something. This would include locking cabinets and placing medications and poisonous substances out of reach. The difference is that the patient is larger and may be able to problem solve well enough to get into the secured area. Example: You place a plastic pad lock on the cabinet. A slightly confused patient might say, "That's to remind me not to get in there." A moderately confused patient might say, "I'm going to need a big stick to get in there." …show more content…

This makes the challenge more difficult. As in the example above, you may need to change your strategies from time to time, as the person changes. You would not keep plastic locks on, if the patient was trying to remove them with sticks or tools. 2. Lock up Keys and Tools. Early stage Alzheimer's person will use keys to leave the house and drive. This can be quite dangerous and they will more than likely end up lost and agitated. Middle stage Alzheimer's people may not know what they are doing, but they can be very resourceful. Within minutes, an Alzheimer's person can use tools to disassemble your T.V. or plumbing. When asked, "What are you doing?" They may reply: "Why I'm a fixin', this here tractor." Late stage Alzheimer type individuals may try to eat the keys or flush them down the toilet and they could cut themselves on the tools while playing with them. 3. Secure the Living Quarters. You need to lock the doors in such a fashion as to where you can get out but the patient cannot. There are a couple of ways to accomplish this. You can purchase locks with keyholes on both sides, thereby needing a key to get in and out. You may be able to simply put an extra latch near the bottom of the door, where the patient may not think to look for

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