Adult Sites: Banned or Tolerated

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Adult Sites: Banned or Tolerated

Over the past decade the Internet has become an essential part of everyday life. It has provided a common ground for people to interact all over the world. Whether it is through information exchange or a simple chat, the Internet has changed the way society operates. Trade, information, and also a wide variety of entertainment have all become accessible features with the click of a button. There is however one form of entertainment that has overtaken almost every other service that the Internet provides. Pornography on the Internet has become one of the most controversial subjects in the history of technology. Pornography is simply an art form; a depiction of erotic behavior intended to cause sexual excitement. The question is should pornography sites on the web be banned in order to protect minors from indecent material.

There are both positive and negative aspects to allowing pornography on the Internet. Probably the greatest thing that Pornography on the web has accomplished is promoting free enterprise. "Porno sites" have turned this art form into a goldmine through the use of technology. Sites such as "Private Gold" or "Cybererotica" simply vend memberships to the public for the privilege of viewing their material. Pornography sites were some of the first ones to launch such impressive business strategies on the Internet such as banners and Online

Purchases. In a way pornography launched a computer revolution. Now it seems buying, selling and providing services over the Internet has become a worldwide bonanza. Only few realize that Pornography sites were providing similar services in the early 1990s, thus being a great deal responsible for the Internet's booming success.

Ever since the beginning of Adult magazines and films, the field of pornography has constantly received opposition from religious groups and concerned parents that it's to vulgar and inappropriate for anyone's viewing especially minors. However the First Amendment of the United States Constitution illustrates the importance of freedom of the press (expression), otherwise meaning no censorship. It was however agreed that such material is not suitable for minors therefore declaring the minimum age 18 for purchasing adult material. The Constitution protects adult magazines and such; therefore that same material should be accessible electronically. Whether printed on paper, or displayed through the web, pornography cannot be banned lawfully without violating the Constitution.

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