Adrian Monk Analysis

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The protagonist, Adrian Monk, is an accomplished detective who is no longer officially employed with the San Francisco Police Department. However, due to his brilliance and powers of observation, he regularly consults with the department. A widower, he has few friends other than his full-time personal assistant, Natalie, and his colleagues on the force. He requires this full-time assistant because of his mental state. In this particular episode, Monk is stricken with grief and anxiety but can’t face those emotions at all. He ends up impulsively buying a new house and moving into it. It seems that because he’s already lost his wife, the death of his beloved therapist strikes a particularly hard blow.
Before he moves, at his former home, Monk becomes obsessed with the piano playing of a young neighbor -- or rather, with stopping it. His assistant, Natalie, cannot even really hear the music most of the time. Monk cannot sleep because he thinks he hears it during the night, and calls the police numerous times in an effort to make the “noise” stop. We’re not sure at this point why it is pre-occupying so much of his time and bothering him so much.
Maybe to escape the music, and because he admits to being bored, Monk volunteers to help the department investigate a possible suspicious death. He goes to the home of the older man who has died in order to investigate his untimely death. (Indeed, the viewer knows the death was murder because we had witnessed the man’s nurse dragging the man in his wheelchair up the stairs and pushing him down the stairs.) While there, Monk becomes very distracted by and impressed with the tidiness and perfection of the old home. When he learns that the man’s niece is trying to sell the home, he very im...

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...n cold blood so that he can keep all of it. This was the motive for the nurse killing the old man; she couldn’t get him to tell her where he’d hidden the money he’d stolen and hidden long ago, in 1968.
Meanwhile, Monk and Natalie manage to drag themselves to the fireplace and Natalie sends out an SOS smoke signal in Morse code. The two policemen with whom Monk works see the signal and are able to come in just in time. They save Monk and Natalie from being shot and arrest the handyman.
In the end, Monk not only solves a case, but is able to begin solving some of his own problems. He’s able to begin working with a new therapist, which has been very difficult for him, and he moves back into his old apartment. He is even able to open his apartment window and enjoy the music, which is Chopin, the same music that once played in his deceased therapist’s waiting room.

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