Adolf Hitler's Manipulation Of Power

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Novelist Evita Ochel once stated “Until you realize how easily it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else's game.” This statement is true in many way, perhaps it could be interpreted into events in history. Additionally, event it could highly relate to would be the era in which Adolf Hitler manipulated his power and brainwashed many young minds in Germany. Throughout the time period of World War II, Hitler was able to brainwash many age groups into believing in the Nazi regime through the use of various tactics. His primary target was the innocent and uninfluenced minds of the growing youth. Therefore, he assembled a series of tactics to allow him to acquire his goal. Firstly, he strategized to censor the “voice” …show more content…

Secondly, he sought restrict the entertainment that the children and adults would enjoy in their free time. Lastly, he moved onto controlling the public education system. Through propaganda, the media, education,and censorship Hitler convinced a majority of the German people they were wrongly blaming themselves for World War I and not the Jewish people. His efforts were evidently strong, but Adolf Hitler could simply not control everyone. Thus, many people opposed his dictatorship and began protesting against his beliefs and even went on to create specific organizations to fight back. In sum, Adolf Hitler brainwashed most of Germany’s youth through the use of the mass media, restriction of popular entertainment and control of the public education system. Despite the efforts, his brainwashing did not work on everyone and even sparked many to oppose his …show more content…

This ideology that Hitler had stated in his novel foreshadowed his plans for controlling the bias of the popular media. Once Adolf Hitler rose to power, he began his plan to indoctrinate the minors of Germany, starting by controlling the media. This control of the media allowed Hitler to present himself differently from what the allied powers were propagandizing about outside the boundaries of Germany. This biased media presented him as a kind, peaceful, country man who enjoyed time hiking in the beautiful, German grasslands (Taila Dagan , 2014). The excessive amount of propaganda in the media convinced the youth that his good and caring nature could do no harm but rather wish for the good of everyone. This control prevented even went as far as restricting any German from listening to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Accordingly, if anyone was to go against this they would be convicted for treason and punished by death (The History Learning Site 2016). Additionally, Hitler's right hand commander, Josef Goebbels controlled the newspapers with very close attention to detail. They were not allowed to print anti-Nazi ideas or negativity about Adolf Hitler's rule of Germany. As a result, Anti-Nazi newspaper companies were closed down. Hitler’s speeches

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