Adolf Eichmann's Role During The Holocaust

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How does someone kill 6 million Jews? That was Adolf Eichmann’s job and passion to figure out. He had a key role in sending Jews to concentration camps and ordering them to be killed during the Holocaust. Adolf Eichmann had very good organizational skills that made him affective at carrying out his duties during the Holocaust; however, he used these talents for evil purposes. On March 19, 1906, Adolf Eichmann was born in Solingen, Germany, but spent most of his childhood growing up in Austria. In 1932, he joined the Austrian Nazi Party and was the head of Jewish affairs on emigration (Columbia Encyclopedia). Adolf’s main role was understanding the Jewish people and their society so that it could help him perform his job better. While Adolf …show more content…

The biggest example of this took place on January 20, 1942 when Reinhard went to a small town outside of Berlin to attend the Wannsee Conference. Adolf was also allowed to join the meeting and participate. The purpose of this conference was to organize the best and most efficient ways to collect Jews, transport them to camps, and kill them (Funk and Wagnalls). It took 90 minutes to come up with this plan and it was called the Final Solution. Instead of transporting the Jews out of Germany as they had done in the past, they would be gathered up, loaded into railcars and sent to camps to be murdered. Eichmann was put in charge of setting up these extermination camps, figuring out how to collect people and having them be sent there to be killed. Eichmann even gave instructions on how to design gas chambers to kill people as efficiently as possible. Millions of innocent Jewish people were put to death in these camps that were designed by Adolf …show more content…

To keep himself hidden, he used a fake identity, which was Otto Eckmann. The American soldiers that captured him did not realize who he really was and what role he played during the Holocaust. Months after being captured, he escaped and stayed on the run and in hiding until he ended up in Argentina. Israeli agents, also known as the Mossad, had received information that Eichmann may be in Argentina and they started to look for him. On May 11, 1960 the Mossad finally located him and took him into custody. This time, Adolf used the fake identity of Ricardo Klement but Israeli troops knew who he really was. The Mossad transported him back to Jerusalem where he would be put on trial for 15 counts of war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against the Jewish people. This was the first time anybody had been charged with crimes against the Jewish

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