Capitalism as a Social Organization: Perspectives of Smith and Weber

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When one thinks of social organization one would not assume capitalism would fall into that category. Nevertheless, for both Adam Smith and Max Weber capitalism is not just an economic system and has not only primary hallmarks; but, also threats that could break down the social organization. Max Weber explains in The Protestant Ethic that “A capitalistic economy is one which rests on the expectation of profit by the utilization of opportunities for exchange”. While Adam Smith does not directly address the definition of capitalism, he does discuss the wealth of a country and the “mercantile system”. These elucidations illustrate the pure economic system of capitalism; though, the forms of social organization brought from capitalism are also …show more content…

Subsequently, Max Weber has the centrality of The Protestant Ethic focused on religion and capitalism and therefore drew the conclusion “the differentiation of men into the classes and occupations are a direct result of divine will”. The Essential Adam Smith describes the creation of a pin to get his point across when discussing the division of labor: “One man draws out the wire, another straightens it, - making four thousand eight hundred pins in a day”. As productivity goes up with the specialization of skills the wealth in a nation will increase leading to more developed …show more content…

These threats not only negatively affect the society as a whole but, also has detrimental effects on the already “pessimistic individual”. Issues such as isolation, exploitation, and finally the looming despotic society can all encourage the egoistic mentality of individuals to

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