Adam Grant Reflection

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After reading Originals by Adam Grant I was left feeling challenged. Grant brings about many different subjects, from parenting methods to organization, that have an impact on an individual’s creativity. I have never considered myself the most original thinker and I had always dreaded “outside of the box” projects, but Grant’s guidance throughout the book showed that that being a logical thinker and being original are not mutually exclusive concepts, as I had once thought. Instead, when it comes to being creative Grant focuses on how to break away from what he calls “default thinking”. Grant challenges the norms by considering that procrastination is not always the worst option, which I found to be interesting and a little stressful, as I am …show more content…

I am what my parents and friends define me as a “sandbagger”. I go into tests saying, “I am going to fail. I should change my major. My world is ending.” Then, I would come out of my test saying similar phrases. More often than not I receive my scores back to find that I had successfully prepared myself for the exam, and that I can continue on panicking for the next world ending test. Grant covered this phenomenon, which I was not aware was a phenomenon, towards the end of his book. Grant calls it “The Power of Negative Thinking”. Essentially there are two major ways to prepare for handling challenges. One, strategic optimism, is where an individual anticipates the best. The second, defensive pessimism, is the opposite, where an individual excepts the worst. I am without a doubt a defensive pessimist. Grant goes on to explain, that although the pessimist is usually more anxious and less confident, they preform just as well if not better than the optimist. After reading this section I felt relieved that I was not just irrational, but there was a method to my madness so to say, even though it does drive my parents and friends crazy. Of all the interesting points made in this book, this is the one I was most excited about, because I connected with this argument on a personal

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