Adaira's Ecstasy: A Narrative Fiction

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Duncan swirled his tongue around her extended rigid nipples, savoring each in turn. Consequently, Adaira’s reaction had her grinding her clit against his hard washboard abs’ as he fisted both her firm breast squeezing them in his palms. The mastery she showed at bringing him to the edge of sanity, this tiny woman ignited a hunger that left him grappling for his control. Adaira rocked to-and-fro to rub her body along his rigid length, the friction created a heat within his body, he was sure a few more strokes against his erection would have him burst into flames at any moment. “Oh, my…Duncan. What are you doing to me…I’m so close, don’t stop whatever you do.” “Dinna fash mo chride I’ll take ye all the way to ecstasy.”

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