Acuity Assessment In Nursing

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patient care and improve the workload, benefiting the outcomes of the patient and nurse. Therefore, the acuity tool serves as a benefactor for patient cares as when the nurse is better informed about the patient’s health requirements, a higher quality of care is provided. Through the research, it demonstrated that nurses are also benefited by an acuity tool. As staffing levels change, it can cause stress for the nurse to the workload. By prioritizing cares, it helps the nursing staff size to balance patient cares based on the quantity of patients and their complexity levels (Andrade et al., 2017). Though a nursing staff may be low on nurses, using an acuity tool assists them to effectively coordinate their cares among the different complexities …show more content…

Implementing an acuity assessment tool can be something new that nurse’s encounters, making it important to educate them on how to use the tool when deciding patient acuities. It states in Thomasos et al. (2015), that education for nurses was essential to reinforce their ability to accurately assess the acuity of a patient. Making sure that nurses are knowledgeable on assessing acuity, makes their decision making reliable due to their education. Judgment of the nurse is important when determining patient care prioritization. The qualification of a nurse to assess patients builds their dependency to plan patient care and interventions (Andrade et al., 2017). A knowledgeable and dependable nurse, makes acuity assessment a reliable way to appropriately prioritize patient …show more content…

The study from the author, uses a scoring system to determine patient acuity. The most applicable reseach model is the TEAMS acuity tool (Thomasos et al., 2015). This tool was used by evaluating the needs of the patients, scoring them from low to high acuity based on their needs during admission and hospitalization (Thomasos et al., 2015). The concept of evaluating acuity throughout the patient’s hospitalization, can help monitor their recovery process and determine if their needs are improving or not. Furthermore, once acuity of the patient is established, their acuity is displayed on a whiteboard next to the patient’s identification (Thomasos et al., 2015). This is essential for the issue, as nurses in the next shift will be aware of the changes to a patient’s health and needs (Thomasos et al., 2015). In connection to the issue, utilizing the acuity tool creates a continuation of prioritizing care as acuity assessments determines the level of needs a patient

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