Action Sports And Discourse Community

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Action sports are interpreted by most people as stupid or ill advised; and there is definitely a large risk factor we must always be accounted for. Most of the sports thought of as action sports require you doing things the human body is not always thought to be capable of. In some respects, these people are right. Putting your body in harm’s way to land a new trick or push the boundaries may not extend one’s life; but from a man on the inside the risk is well worth the reward. The fact is these sports are very dangerous, but something keeps drawing people like me back. If you are one of those people who would never try skydiving, or think using a bicycle for anything other than transportation is illogical, you will probably never understand …show more content…

Due to this fact, we tend to stick together and end up making a very tight knit community of people who support each other as we try to push those boundaries together. This is my discourse community for a couple reasons, the most prominent however being based on my personality. Obviously as anyone would expect it does take some guts to jump out of a plane three point one miles above the ground and freefall at 120 miles per hour for two minutes or ride a bike down a mountain reaching speeds of near fifty-five miles per hour whilst barely squeezing the handlebars through trees, and so it takes a special mind set. As one would guess having an adventurous personality helps quite a lot, but also having a specific determination, persistence, and bravery. These traits among many are what allow me to be a part of this fantastic community not many are able to be a part …show more content…

We tell stories of our adventures for many reasons, but one of my favorite is to try to inspire others to try new things they would not have tried otherwise. I think one of the greatest I have is the first time I went skydiving. I woke up extra early the morning or March 21, 2016 in a frenzy of excitement for my first ever jump. I went through my typical morning routine and ate a healthy breakfast to stay fueled for the crazy day I had ahead. Fast forward a few hours later, and my family pulls up to the hanger right next to my best friend. We got out of our respective cars both with enormous grins on our shining faces. We preceded to the check in station where I signed my life away to a man named Jake, who I would soon be trusting with my life. We then went through a short training course of how to position ourselves for the exit and while in free fall. Then Jake came up to me, introduced himself, and helped me put on my harness. At this point I was as excited as ever, with more adrenaline than I had ever experienced coursing through my veins. As the group before us loaded the golf cart to taxi to the plane, we were informed of malfunctions with the plane. At first I was not worried, as I had been told it was a very minor issue and would be

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