Act Two Scene Two Essay: The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet Act Two Scene Two Essay by: Raghu Chinta

The balcony scene of William Shakespeare’s play “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” can be argued as one of the most famous scenes in all of dramatic literature. The scene takes place in Capulet’s Orchard where the two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, confess their love for one another. Romeo and Juliet go back and forth without using straightforward prose for one hundred ninety lines, confessing their love for one another. Juliet bids Romeo “goodnight” and goes back into her chamber with the plan of sending an emissary for Romeo the next day at nine o’clock to have them married. There are two different formats that I will describe in this essay. One is the script of the play translated from old English in the “Elements of Literature” textbook. The other is a film adaptation of the play from 1968 directed by Franco Zeffirelli. I will begin
The script was so intricately written that followers of Shakespeare still ponder the meaning of the lines to this day. The two characters in this scene most definitely show their love for one another with various metaphoric phrases and images. The depiction of it in the film is just as profound and would furthermore bring about a new light to the portrayal of the scene. The most successful adaption however would possibly be a narrated live enactment of the play. Nevertheless, I have come to appreciate the words of Juliet from lines one hundred seventeen through one hundred nineteen as they convey something that is sensible at the time being. She says that their love is too sudden and rushed and should take some time to develop and progress forward. Therefore, I believe that Juliet’s words, if heeded by the two lovers, could have prevented the serious consequences that take place later on in the

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