Act IV: Compare And Contrast The Different Views Of King Henry V

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Prompt: “Compare and contrast the different views we get of Henry in 3.1.1-35 and in 5.2.132-176. Which is closer to the "true" Henry? Which do we understand/know better within the play as a whole” (GCU)? King Henry is known for his famous speeches. He speaks of honor, courage, and dying with honor, mostly dying while serving your kingdom. In his speeches, however, his true nature is not revealed. He speaks to inspire soldiers and men going to war, but he is just fulfilling his obligations as king. Henry is far from a hopeless romantic. We feel his passion more so when he is speaking to the soldier on the battlefield in opposed to his speech with Catherine about marriage and France. Though the patriotic speeches he gives are inspiring and …show more content…

Henry seems to have a very manipulating personality. He can very easily sway the public opinion of him with a speech, when all the while veiling his true intentions and oppositions. He is very swift with words and can turn any conversation his way. More than having his way, he is prideful and greedy. He will do whatever it takes to acquire more power.
Act III, scene 1 is a soliloquy, a famous speech given by King Henry V. In this scene, Henry is surrounded by his troops in Harfleur, France. He delivers a speech with eloquence and grace. The speech encompasses the nobility and dignity of the soldiers. This speech captivates the soldiers by appealing to their sense of comradery and ferocity. Henry is prompting the men to attack the breach in the city wall again. He compares the men to tigers. “Then

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