Acquainted With The Night Comparison Essay

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Frost Comparison-Contrast Essay In the two Robert Frost poems, "Mowing" and "Acquainted with the Night," he uses insightful figurative language and diction to describe the pleasurable feeling of labor through hard work; he compares it to the isolation of being all alone from the rest of the world. In the poem, "Mowing," Frost uses alliteration and descriptive imagery to form the main message that the reality of hard work is rewarding enough. Although his poem uses the standard 14 line structure of a sonnet, he uses a mixed sonnet structure, combining the Shakespearian and Italian (Petrarchan) sonnet structures to create a whole new and different rhyme scheme. Frost uses a "long scythe" to demonstrate that working in the world, while embracing …show more content…

His ending sentences, "The fact is the sweetest dream that labor know..." suggests that he thinks the labor that the people do by his or her self without any help from others is the best way to gain more …show more content…

Frost's use of imagery and parallelism of what the dark night sky looks like indicates that he is often alone and wanders the empty, cold streets late at night. This also makes it seem as though he was the only one out at night this late and that he feels depressed about his devastating situation. His uses of, "I have been..." repeatedly in lines 1-7 suggests that his depression is ongoing from the past, unclear if he would recover from his depressing past. The reader can feel through his words that even though he can hear sounds of people ("an interrupted cry") on the streets and occasionally bumps into people, he feels alone in this world. Through his actions, Frost makes it seem as though no one in the world cares for him and he is completely isolated and restricted from interacting with people. At one point in the poem, he hears a cry from a nearby street, but realizes that it was not meant for him and that no one is ever waiting for him. He uses the phrase, "I have passed by the watchman on his beat/And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain, " to show his experiences with depression and how it has made him incapable of interacting in normal society. While normal people are typically associated with the day, enjoying happiness, sunlight, and optimism, he focuses the narrator to being solely with the night, finding

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