Abuse In Teenage Relationships

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Imagine being a relationship for a really long time. Telling each other everything and hanging out almost everyday. This person is there through thick and thin. All of a sudden, they become controlling and negative with their words but leaving them doesn't seem like an option considering the time invested into the relationship. Unhealthy feelings start to spark but confusion is the only feeling that is familiar. Teenage dating relationships and the effects of the relationships are extremely important to healthy development of a young adult. These healthy relationships involve respect, trust, and consideration of another person’s feelings. Imagine these relationships being taken over by disrespect, intense jealousy controlling behavior, or even physical violence. Karolyn Senter, a professional rehab associate from Missouri, says, “Nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience abuse from a dating partner in a single year”(Senter 543). The three main ways we as a society can stop these abusive relationships from happening or even escalating include being educated about abuse, acknowledging it, and taking action. …show more content…

At times, noticing abuse in a relationship can be extremely difficult. Julie Mehta, a teacher from the University of Toronto, stated, “Young people often think if you’re not bleeding or bruised, it’s not abuse”. Many people often forget that abuse can be mental. Though teens think jealousy comes from love, the abuse in relationships is all about being in control of the person you are with. Parents are proven to also be awful at spotting abuse with their own children. The art of steering a child safely through adolescence means parents must be savvy about the signs of drug use and eating disorders, which are red flags of abuse. If left undetected and untreated, early patterns of abuse can continue within the

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