Abstinence-Only Sex Education Should Not Be Taught In Schools Essay

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As beautifully stated from the well-known group Salt-N-Peppa, “Let’s talk about sex.” More so, let’s talk about sex in our schools. Abstinence-only sex education is sex education based off the belief that teenagers should not have sex until they are married, and this education focuses on shaming teens into not having sex, as opposed to educating teens on safe sex involving the use of contraceptives. It is necessary to teach teenagers about safe sex; therefore, schools should abstain from teaching abstinence-only sex education in schools due to the lack of effectiveness and actual sex education because of the present bias. Abstinence-only sex education should not be taught in schools because it is useless. Aaron E. Carrol, a renowned professor …show more content…

In fact, “many of the curricula commonly used in abstinence-only programs distort information about the effectiveness of contraceptives and contain basic scientific errors, according to a 2004 report by Government Reform Committee staff. Among the distortions cited by Waxman's staff: a 43-day-old fetus is a ‘thinking person’; HIV can be spread via sweat and tears; condoms fail to prevent HIV transmission as often as 31 percent of the time in heterosexual intercourse” (“The Truth about Abstinence”). This clearly shows how invalid this type of sex education is. This effects the education of our teens, education which is being compromised for the sake of religion and the comfort of parents and teachers. There is not a good reason to compromise education; if one is given a job that involves teaching teenagers about sex, one should do their job correctly and give teenagers the facts, and the proper education on STDs and on HIV. For example, HIV is not spread through tears or sweat; HIV is spread through sex. Should we deny teenagers the basic knowledge such as that? We will be denying this knowledge by keeping abstinence-only sex education in our

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