Absolutism vs Human Rights

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Human Rights have developed over time and the rights of citizens and democracies have now become the focus of world’s debate. With the United Nations, it has become a global issue. Rights have existed throughout the history of man. One development of the concepts of the citizen’s rights and democracies came after the debate of the monarchy’s absolute power over a single nation. This absolute power is known as absolutism. After the debate of the king’s power, revolutions occurred and gave rise to democracies like the United States. These democracies granted rights to the individual citizens and political power, after the rejection of divine rights of kings. There were rights granted to individuals throughout history, but these rights were limited and the population was not completely at liberty with personal freedoms. With the promotion of democracies, rights have now become a global issue.

The concept of human rights has evolved through the years. It has grown into the focus of many governments and nations. Democracies have made rights of its citizens their primary concern in governing. There have always been rights and laws written into codes of government documents. There have also been other governments, which did not grant these rights to the individual. When monarchies formed in Europe after the fall of Rome, there came philosophies called divine rights and absolutism. This form of government is similar to a dictatorship. The rebellion against this form of government produced a new way of thinking. This new way of thinking developed a new form of government called democracies, which granted individual freedoms and rights to the civilian population. These proclaimed inalienable rights of man. In 1822, Thomas Jefferson wrote that “nothing… is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man.” (Kamenka vii, 1).

Early Laws and Rights

Before getting into the rights of kings and Nature Law, we must first look at the history of rights throughout man’s existence. It is not possible to explain every step in man’s existence pertaining to rights. Almost all civilizations had written laws or codes guiding its citizens in everyday life. One instance was the Code of Hammurabi. It is not viewed as humane today, but in its time, concepts of law and justice were established and it was an enlightened document. From its teachings we gather, “The strong shall not oppress the weak.” From this and other civilizations, the story of human rights begins and laws or codes protecting rights began to be established.

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