Abraham Lincoln's 10 Qualities Of A Great Leader

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When you hear the word leader, who do you think of? The first person that comes to my mind is Abraham Lincoln. During Lincoln’s lifetime, he had many charismas that most people during his era lacked. For example, he listened to every point of view before making a decision, he spoke in a persuasive way that encouraged people, and he was a great leader. These are some of the many aspects that Lincoln excelled in. He became the 16th president of the United States at the midst of the Civil War and during those hard times, the citizens of the Union (United States) needed a leader who was willing to stand up with them. Lincoln did not hesitate to step in. He was a commander in chief and made the people stronger mentally when they were feeling weak …show more content…

To illustrate this, in the article 10 Qualities that Made Abraham Lincoln a Great Leader by Catherine L., she states that “During the Civil War, many soldiers died and there were many ups and downs. Lincoln established lasting connections with the troops by visiting the battlefield and hospitals, which also helped bolster morale. Lincoln also spent time talking with members of the public, taking public opinion baths”. This quote demonstrates that Lincoln was a caring person and he wants the population to know that he is there for each and every one of them. He knew what was necessary to help them regain their confidence. By being there for people when they need it the most is a great example of a leader. To add on to this, in Mark Crowley’s article The Leadership Genius of Abraham Lincoln, he claims, “Lincoln fundamentally cared about people and made every effort to demonstrate that to them. Through kind and encouraging words, and authentic gestures of exceptional thoughtfulness, he assured people of their individual significance.” This further proves that Lincoln knew how to change people. If it wasn’t for him, many people would have given up during the

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