Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter And Frankenstein Comparison

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When comparing Seth Grahame-Smith’s Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, it is clear to see how prominent the themes of life and death are in both novels. Dealing with monsters and vampires also brings up a lot of discussion since each of these creatures, in these specific stories, are in the gray area of being alive and dead. Although these are both very different stories, they have a lot of similarities. Parallels between the main characters, Abraham Lincoln and Victor Frankenstein can be observed through their obsessions and losses of loved ones. In addition, both novels include the possibility of bringing people back from the dead. There are many comparisons that can be made, but these book can also be contrasted …show more content…

Each of these characters sees their mothers die at a young age, and receive advice from them right before they pass away. When Lincoln’s mother, Nancy, was ill, he describes “I felt her hand slip from my wrist, and I watched her eyes close. ‘Mama?’ Once more, this time barely about a whisper, she repeated, ‘Live.’ She never opened her eyes again” (Grahame-Smith 36). Right before Frankenstein’s mom dies she says, “My firmest hopes of future happiness were placed on the prospect of your union” (Shelley 72). Both characters were given a message to carry with them for the rest of their lives. Also, seeing their mothers die in person most likely sparked their fascination with life and death at an early age. Abraham Lincoln lived to see his aunt, uncle, mother, finance, two sons and many others pass away during his lifetime. Most of these are due to vampires. All of Frankenstein’s family members die by the end of the book, and unfortunately most of these deaths are due to the monster he created. He loses his mother, house keeper, brother, father, and wife. The difference between these two characters, however, is that how they react to their mother’s deaths later on in their lives. It sparks an obsession in both of them, but they stem off in different directions. Victor wants to fill the emptiness of his mother’s loss with another life, so he goes …show more content…

In Frankenstein, Victor has the power to bring people back from the dead. He does this by using parts from dead people he digs up in the cemetery. In Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Lincoln’s friend Henry offers to bring his loved ones back from the dead as vampires shortly after their death. He tells Lincoln, “She would live, Abraham…but I warn you—she would be cursed to live forever” (Grahame-Smith 159). A difference between these two books is that in Frankenstein someone actually is brought back from the dead, and in Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter no one actually is. Abraham considered bringing Ann ,, but he “pictured her pale skin, her black eyes and hallow fangs,” (Grahame-Smith 160) and decided against it. Going back to Abraham’s obsession with death, he does not want to create life since that goes against his main goal in vampire hunting. Since Victor’s mind is focused on creation, this was exactly what he had in mind. So although it is a possibly, the difference between the two books is that it only occurs in

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