About Happiness

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Over many years, people have attempted to seek out what happiness truly is and how it can be obtained. It could be described as a feeling, a goal, or a state of mind. The definition of happiness can vary depending on the individual, race; even the religion someone follows can influence what happiness is to them. In Roko Belics documentary Happy, we see many different examples of happiness from people living in diverse parts of the world and what it means to them. Whether it’s a poor father from India transporting passengers on his bicycle making pennies on the dollar, or a successful business man on Wall Street living in New York with a six figure salary, happiness can come to anyone no matter how different their lifestyles are. I agree with …show more content…

According to Gregory Berns, a professor of Psychiatry at Emory University depicts that our feeling of happiness comes from dopamine, a chemical released in the brain, which fire off electrical impulses called synapses. What causes one person to feel happy and release dopamine may require different circumstances for another person. We feel this sensation when we succeed in life, find love, start a family, find and express our religious belief, graduate from college, or even something subtle as scoring the game winning …show more content…

Gilbert states, “Anybody who says “money doesn’t buy happiness” should go talk to somebody living under a bridge. But anyone who says “money buys happiness” should go talk to Bill Gates.” Gilbert argues that neither are true and once people have their basic needs met to make us happier, more money won’t buy us happiness. He also mentions the theory that we are walking on the hedonic treadmill, which is whatever levels of wealth or material goods we have, we adapt to it and we’ll always want more. We think that getting more will make us even happier which in fact, doesn’t. This adaptation is the enemy of

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