Abortion Speech

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Abortion Speech

Everyone has a right to live. Some people are not given this opportunity. They don’t experience life. They don’t know what life is. Abortion kills around 40-50 million little lives around the world each year, putting a stamp on their grave, UNWANTED. Why do we make life unfair for others? Why do we end life before it has begun? Why are we killing the new generation? The biggest question is why is abortion legal?
Nobody denies that abortion is legal in some cases. For example if the child is going to be born with too many disabilities, and if the mother and the child have a death threat. Abortions happen in poor countries where people are uneducated. They cannot support the child, and so abortion is their only choice. However, in order to solve the problem the government could somehow help the family financially. Or teach the people how to use protection. That way the pregnancy won’t happen in the first place. Nobody looks at other solutions to these kinds of problems. Abortion is the only one. People just take the easier way out of the situation. Yet these things happen in poor countries. Now lets look at Canada. Is Canada a poor country? No, it is not. People can support children, the government also helps financially support the children. The reason for most of the abortions is because the children are unwanted and not planned. There is no space for them. I think in Canada, my fellow classmates, abortions should be illegal in fact strictly forbidden. Doing an abortion just because you don’t want the child is not an excuse. It is a genocide. An unborn child is not different from a child that was born, and is not different from an adult. There should be equal value of every human life, regardless of its stage o...

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... as well. If the fact that a child suffers does not make you re-evaluate you beliefs in abortion, then maybe the future economical difficulties will. If killing the innocent child is all we can accomplish, then our generation is going downhill. It is killing itself. We are killing human alike us, that did nothing bad. They didn’t have time to do anything in this world. They didn’t have time to bring new ideas, and to make this world a better place. By killing them we are putting a stamp on their grave saying” You are unwanted. We do not need your ideas. We don’t want you to make this world a better place. We want you to be dead and we want your death to lead to extermination of mankind.” And you know the fact remains that people that you are for abortion are the ones that were already born. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness must be protected.

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