Abortion Depicted In The Film Alison's Choice

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Alison’s Choice is a movie that shows a story of a pregnant young girl who is struggling with the fact whether she should keep her baby or not. Being a young, unmarried women that does not get along with her boyfriend made her decision whether she was going to terminate the life of her baby girl or go on with her pregnancy a lot harder. I really enjoyed this movie, especially being pro-life, myself. The biggest, most important message that stood out to me was the attitudes of the characters in this movie, between those who were encouraging her to keep her baby and those who encouraged her to end her baby girl’s life. The pro-abortion characters were very forceful, making Allison look dumb for considering to keep the baby or even thinking that it is a baby that is inside of her. While, the pro-life characters felt bad for Alison’s struggle she was facing and guided her through the problems, showing her how keeping the baby will be not only better for the baby, but herself. They showed how important the human life is while still understanding Alison and guiding her in a peaceful way. I think a lot of this movie reflected reality in several different ways. One example that really stood out to me, showing how real abortion and how uneducated people are about it was the other women in the waiting …show more content…

Especially, when Alison was introduced to the doctor who performs the abortions. She warned the doctor that she was considering to keep it now. When she said something about killing her baby to the doctor, the doctor freaked out stating that it is not a baby, but just “an ugly lump of tissue.” She then questioned him about when the child will become a child and how if it is growing inside of her, then how it is not alive. The doctor, pro-abortion side, has no premises that made a lot of sense, but just rude, hatred comments towards Alison for even thinking the “ugly clump of tissue” is a

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