Abortion: Article Analysis

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The media and the reader are some of the main reasons for the perpetuation of misinformation with the abortion topic. Abortion is a huge controversial topic that is challenging the human nature of the public. With abortion, the problem is you can either be for or against abortion, pro-life or pro-choice, there is no “in between”. There is only two sides and both have major issues with the other side. The sources used are “Why Pro-Life World Has A Lot of Dead Women In It”, “The Rights of A Woman Does Not Outweigh The Rights of A Child”, and “Abortion”. The reader must work together with the media to eliminate bias in an attempt to prevent the perpetuation of misinformation. In the source “Why Pro-Life World Has A Lot of Dead Women in It”, it …show more content…

In the article, the intended audience are people in power and people who are considering having an abortion. In this article, the author is trying to prevent as many deaths and abortions as possible by informing her audience of the other options that do not include abortions. The author’s arguments are not credible by reason of the author not citing where they received their information. The only source the author cited was from Judith Jarvis Thomson’s Defense of Abortion. The article “The Rights of A Woman Does Not Outweigh The Rights of A Child” is biased as long as the author doesn’t offer the other point of view exceeding the pro-life views. “I am not suggesting this is ideal, nor do I say it callously. I have worked with single mothers and know their difficulties.” “Regardless of the challenges, one person’s right to a preferred lifestyle is not greater than another person’s right to a life.” The author is using their own beliefs about a child’s right to live to convince their audience. “Pregnancy is a much different experience than the analogy depicts.” This fallacy that the author uses relates to the reader's along with telling them that they can still live their life while being pregnant. This shows society that being pregnant is not always like how it is portrayed in the media, being immobile or no job. This has a positive effect on society seeing that it changes their view of being pregnant. The article “The Rights of A Woman Does Not Outweigh The Rights of A Child” is effective in

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