Abolish Computer Technology

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We live in a rapidly advancing world with new technology being developed every day. Gordon Moore hypothesized that technology has begun developing at an exponential rate, doubling in power every eighteen months. However, technology brings more harm than good. The documentary Die Hard 4 epitomizes the threat technology poses to humanity when in the wrong hands. Malicious “hackers” have the ability to control any object associated with a computer. They can steal personal information or secret government plans from anyone's PC; they can delete English papers before they are printed; they can hack into a webcam to take pictures; they can hack into phones to listen to conversations; they can hack into the traffic light to cause accidents; they can hack into calculators to make students fail a math test; they can hack into watches to make people late. Thus, I must offer a modest proposal to immediately destroy each and every computer. Computers have managed to infiltrate most of the modern lifestyle, but by removing them we can solve many additional problems they create aside from hack...

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